Week One Results and Standings

Results – Week One

Standings – Week One

2016-17 BB Forms, Schedules, Rules, Info

Week One Gym Schedules

2016-2017 Division Schedule

2017 Gym Schedule

PPL BB Rules


PPL Scoresheet

Host Gym Info

General BB Info

Game Roster (pdf)

Game Roster (MS Word)

PPL Complaint Form (pdf)

PPL Complaint Form (MS Word)

New Athletic Policy Manual, forms, and standardized season is out




Cluster Parish updates

The new Archdiocese policy manual is out, and contains the following provisions on combining cluster parishes:
Parishes with an existing athletic program may extend an invitation to their cluster parish partners to form a combined parish athletic program. The following requirements must be met and approved by the Archdiocese Office for Schools and the league director:
• The pastors of each parish in the cluster must give consent for participation in the combined athletic program. The pastor/designee is responsible for athletics at each participating parish.
• Each parish is encouraged to have representation on the athletic board.
• All parishes within the cluster must be invited to participate and approve of the combined athletic program. A cluster without a Catholic school may request to form a combined athletic program with a cluster in geographic proximity that has a Catholic school.
• All interested and eligible students within the designated cluster parishes will be invited and allowed to participate in all sports offered at the parish/school.
• The religious education director and/or principal of each parish confirms, in writing, the eligibility of the students participating in athletics. Player eligibility shall follow all existing Archdiocesan rules.
• The parishes will complete the Request to Form a Combined Parish Athletic Program Form 6145.2 (n) each year and submit it to the league director of the athletic league(s) with which the parishes/schools are affiliated on a yearly basis prior to the beginning of the athletics season.

Final Week Standings and Results

Final Week Results

Final Standings

Week Ten Results and Standings

Week Ten Results

Week Ten Standings

Week Nine Results and Standings

Week Nine Results

Week Nine Standings

Week Eight Standings and Results

Week Eight Standings

Week Eight Results

Week Seven Results and Standings

Week Seven Results

Week Seven Standings

Week Six Standings and Results

Week Six Standings

Week Six Results
